See the full position lineup of our bucket 2 swing trading portfolio HERE

See the full position lineup of our bucket 3 investment portfolios HERE

If you are not yet familiar with our bucket 2 swing trading entry and exit rules, please watch the ‘Bucket 2 Swing Trading Entry & Exit Timing’ video HERE

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Energy Sector Exposure & S&P 500 Goldilocks Sentiment

Energy stocks via the XLE etf have shown an improvement of relative strength all year and are getting ever closer to a breakout move. From a positioning and sentiment perspective, few market participants are currently focusing on energy stocks as all eyes remain on momentum semiconductor names. Ultimately, if and when the XLE manages to hold above the mid $90s, it could go into a price discovery phase where upside is significant.


The XLE etf is not yet bullish trend on the Market Rover…but that can soon change.


Speaking of sentiment, our internal surveys show that over the past two months fewer and fewer market participants believe the S&P 500 can correct more than 5% this year. Our warning signals as a result have just gotten significantly louder.